Navigating the Fine Line: Avoiding Push Notification Fatigue
min read
November 20, 2023

Navigating the Fine Line: Avoiding Push Notification Fatigue

push opt-in

Maintaining a balance in push notification frequency is crucial for e-commerce brands to prevent overwhelming users and causing them to opt out. In this blog article, we will offer insights into this delicate balance and provide examples of five e-commerce brands that have successfully leveraged this strategy to benefit their businesses.

Finding the Balance

Push notifications are a powerful tool for engaging customers, but overuse can lead to fatigue and ultimately drive users to opt out. To prevent this, e-commerce brands must carefully consider the frequency and relevance of their push notifications. By striking a balance between providing valuable information and avoiding excessive interruptions, brands can ensure that their push notification campaigns remain effective without overwhelming their audience.

Brand Examples

  1. ASOS: ASOS has effectively used push notifications to re-target customers and cross-sell/upsell based on their purchase history. By sending personalized product recommendations and promotions through push notifications, the brand has maintained a balance between relevance and frequency, preventing notification fatigue.
  2. Sephora: Sephora has used push notifications to promote sales and discounts, but has done so in a way that is not overly aggressive or spammy. By delivering value to their audience through personalized and relevant notifications, Sephora has successfully engaged users without causing notification fatigue.
  3. has adopted push notifications to remind its customers when to reorder products they have previously purchased. By delivering timely and relevant notifications without overwhelming their audience, has successfully engaged users without causing notification fatigue.
  4. Zara: Zara has used push notifications to promote new product launches and exclusive collections, but has done so in a way that is not overly frequent or intrusive. By delivering value to their audience through personalized and relevant notifications, Zara has successfully engaged users without causing notification fatigue.
  5. Adidas: Adidas has used push notifications to promote new product launches and exclusive collections, but has done so in a way that is not overly frequent or intrusive. By delivering value to their audience through personalized and relevant notifications, Adidas has successfully engaged users without causing notification fatigue.


By learning from the examples of these successful e-commerce brands, businesses can navigate the fine line of push notification frequency and relevance to prevent overwhelming users and causing them to opt out. Striking the right balance in push notification strategies is essential for maintaining customer engagement and preventing notification fatigue, ultimately leading to long-term customer retention and business growth.